All of our products are put through rigorous testing so we can ensure they hold up to our eco standards. It can all be quite complicated so below is a simple guide! ⬇️

Product Certification
All of compostable products are certified compostable and biodegradable according to the European Standard EN 13432, the US Standard ASTM D6400 and the Australian Standard AS4736.
The products hold compostable and biodegradable certificates issued by several certification institutions like TÜV AUSTRIA (OK Compost), BPI (USA) as well as other specialised certifications such as the GMO-free certificate.

ISO Certification
Some of our products have been certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Our ISO certification means that we have established and will maintain a quality system according to the requirements of EN 1SO 9001 “Quality Management System” and an environmental system according to the requirements of EN ISO 14001 “Environmental Management System”.